Повик за учесници за обука во Белград

Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање (НЕЛ) од Скопје, објавува отворен повик за еден учесник од Македонија за обука на тема „Control + S“, која ќе се одржи во Белград, Србија од 23-ти до 29-ти март 2015-та.

Обуката се организира во рамките на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија и на неа ќе земат учество 30 младински работници и младински лидери од Македонија, Србија, Црна Гора, Албанија, Хрватска, Русија, Романија, Литванија, Азербејџан, Естонија, Турција, Бугарија, Германија, Велика Британија и Норвешка.

Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и патните трошоци до 180 евра.

Услов за учество е пријавените да имаат над 18 години, да се желни активно да бидат вклучени во сите фази на проектот и да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате на обуката, испратете пополнет апликационен формулар или прашање на contact@pel.mk со назнака „Обука во Белград“, најдоцна до 4-ти февруари 2015.


About the training course:

Today we are facing the fast development of technology. Technology helps us to connect with different parts of the world, makes information going fast and gives the opportunity for all information to be found in one place – the internet. Apart from this advantage we face another challenge – digital violence. Internet is accessible almost to everyone today without knowing how to use and to behave. Because of that there are a lot of situations of digital violence that start harmless and lead to serious situations such as suicide, depression, disappointment, ending of relationships… Most of the digital violence we are facing on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. People are still not aware about the digital violence and consequences that are part of social networks.

The most influenced group by digital violence are children and youth. Sharing hate speech, being rude to someone, sharing nationalism, attack somebody on base of their background, share degradation comments are part of the digital violence and not only victims but also people that are active on social networks should raise awareness about that because it all influences young people and her/his well being.

Center E8 started the campaign in 2014 and we want to use this approach as a good practice. The campaign is involving famous people from different sectors as art, culture, music and activists present on social networks who are talking about their own experience facing violence on internet. The campaign took attention among young people and gave good results. For young people it is important to see their role models being active in different fields and also for the youth it is important that these role models present good values today. Because of that the training will be held in Serbia and will involve 30 youth workers and leaders from Montenegro, Albania, Croatia, Russian Federation, Romania, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Estonia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Germany, UK and Norway.

The main aim of the training is to raise awareness about digital violence today and to share good practice among youth workers how to present such a sensitive topic.

Specific objectives:

  1. To gain skills and knowledge to youth workers and leader how to work with young people under the topic digital violence
  2. to explore and share methodologies and connect work among organizations and bring it to an international level
  3. to straighten cooperation among EU and non EU countries

We want to create a youth that can use their digital competences and consume internet for their professional and personal development.

During the training there will be also a making of videos with the participants. The content should be their personal experience or view on digital violence. The aim is to show that potentially everyone can get a victim of digital violence. The videos should be posted on web pages owned by participants or partner organisations and on their social networks. This will be a possibility to make the campaign more visible and to raise awareness among a wider group of people.

The training will be delivered by trainers of Centar E8. Centar E8 is a youth organisation focused on work with young people across Serbia. With our innovative campaigns, use of social networks and diverse methodologies we educate the young about healthy lifestyles, gender equality, prevention of violence and the importance of being socially active. Our team is made up from young advocacy and lobbying experts in youth policy, education and campaigning for publicly relevant issues. They are very active in the field of human rights in Serbia. More information about Centar E8 can be found on: http://www.e8.org.rs/english/

Follow up:

The project will be not finished after the training course. The participants will be encouraged to organise events in their sending organisations to present the project and its outcomes. Apart from this they should organise a local action in their communities to involve the local youth and to raise awareness about the topic digital violence. Also during the training there will be brainstorming sessions for future ideas or projects to foster cooperation between the partner organisations.

What to prepare and to bring:

For the training it will be necessary to prepare a small presentation about your country and your NGO. Everyone should contribute own experiences and knowledge about the situation in his country to the group. One evening is supposed to be an intercultural evening. For this it will be important to share some food, drink or tradition likes a dance from your country. 15 different countries are the guarantee to have a wonderful, colourful and interesting evening.

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