Доколку сте на возраст од 18 до 30 години и имате желба да стекнете нови знаења, искуства и пријателства, тогаш не пропуштајте ја оваа можност да волонтирате девет (9) месеци во Романија.

Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање НЕЛ – Скопје има потреба од еден волонтери, кој во рамките на Европскиот волонтерски сервис (ЕВС) на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија ќе помине 9 месеци во Рамнику Сарат, Романија.

Волонтирањето ќе започне од 1-ви октомври 2019.

Трошоците за сместување, храна, повратна карта до Рамнику Сарат, локален превоз, здравствено осигурување, како и џепарлак за време на престојот се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите. Покрај ова, ќе имате можност за бесплатен јазичен курс по романски јазик, а на крајот од проектот ќе добиете Youthpass, сертификат кој ќе го потврди вашето волонтерско искуство на европско ниво.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе информации за проектот, и доколку имате дополнителни прашања, испратете мејл на evs@pel.mk со назнака „ЕВС во Романија“. Заинтересираните за волонтирањето треба да испратат биографија и мотивационо писмо на англиски јазик.

Ги очекуваме вашите пријави најдоцна до 10-ти септември 2019 година.

About the project

Five Youth Workers is EVS mobility that aims to develop the skills of 5 EVS volunteers in writing and implementing local youth projects in order to develop personal and professional skills and to train 5 youth workers (5 volunteers come, 5 young workers will be formed and finalized).

With a multicultural partnership bringing together 4 EVS accredited promoters, namely:
Romania, Turkey, Italy and Macedonia, the internship will bring to Ramnicu Sarat 5 EVS
volunteers with a well defined profile, namely: between the ages of 18 and 30, in gender
balance, faced with reduced opportunities, demonstrating cultural sensitivity, attitudes of
understanding and tolerance towards the different ones, with a minimal level of English
communication but motivated to perform, that have motivation and openness to nonformal learning, with the availability to work with local beneficiaries (young volunteers
and high school students) and show creativity and initiative spirit.
The theme of the project is defined by the cultural understanding and the development of
youth activities / projects in a non-formal context.

The objectives that will meet the proposed goal are:
1. To develop the practical (personal and professional) implementation of youth activities at the organizational and European level – Erasmus + by 5 EVS volunteers from Macedonia, Italy and Turkey, who during 9 months of training in Ramnicu Sarat will move from volunteers to youth workers.
2. Developing the creative and entrepreneurial spirit of the 5 EVS volunteers from
Macedonia, Italy and Turkey, who during 9 months of training in Ramnicu Sarat will go through project management phases from writing to reporting.
3. Developing a youthpass competency multicultural learning process for the 5 EVS
volunteers by 9- month of internship at Ramnicu Sarat.
4. Development of intercultural cooperation between the beneficiaries of the internship (local volunteers, high school students and the 5 EVS volunteers) within the local activities / projects developed by EVS volunteers through non-formal education methods during the 9 months of Ramnicu Sarat stage.
5. Increasing the awareness of the cultural diversity in an intercultural context, between the 5 EVS volunteers and the local community, during the 9 months of training in Ramnicu Sarat.

It is not required that volunteer to have special experience and skills in working with
young people, but we require interest, curiosity and the ability to work in a team, in a
multicultural environment.
Basic qualifications:
– Age between 18-30 years old;
– English – average (B2);
– Interested and motivated in working with young people;
– Willing to get involved in communicating with young people;
– Patient, responsible, creative, open-minded;
– Preferably with fewer opportunities.

Expected working hours: The volunteers will usually work four – five days a week
between 8 am and 1 pm. For special events, with their agreement, they might have to work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Holidays: 2 days of holidays per week.

Food: Volunteers will receive money for food on monthly bases (150 € per month) and they will be able to cook and buy food for themselves. Volunteer’s mentor will show the shops and markets where they could do shopping for food.

Accommodation: Volunteers will share an apartment in Ramnicu Sarat. They will have own rooms or share with the same gender person. The apartment is equipped with bathrooms, toilet, washing machine, kitchen and kitchen furniture, furniture in the rooms, dishes, TV, TV cable, internet/Wi-Fi.

Local transport: ATCE-SR will inform the volunteers about the time table of public
transport in Ramnicu Sarat. Monthly tickets for public transport in Ramnicu Sarat will be provided by ATCE-SR.

International transport:The EVS volunteers will receive 100 % of their travel cost to Ramnicu Sarat and back, as well as costs for visa and residence permissions, according with Erasmus + distance calculator.

Fees: The EVS program is free of charge.

Health insurance: The volunteers will be insured for the time of their stay. Also, they will be instructed about safety during volunteering activities.

Allowance: Each volunteer will receive 60 € per month („pocket money“).