Доколку сте на возраст од 18 до 30 години и имате желба да стекнете нови знаења, искуства и пријателства, тогаш не пропуштајте ја можностa да волонтирате во Полска.

Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање НЕЛ – Скопје има потреба од волонтери, кои во рамките на European Solidarity Corps (ESC) на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија ќе поминат 9 (девет) или 10 (десет) месеци во Варшава или Војковице, Полска.

Волонтирањето ќе започне во октомври 2020. Волонтерите ќе имаат различни едукативни, социјални и креативни задолженија.

Трошоците за сместување, храната, повратната карта до Полска, локалниот превоз, здравственото осигурување, како и џепарлакот за време на престојот се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите. Покрај ова, ќе имате можност за бесплатен јазичен курс по полски јазик, а на крајот од проектот ќе добиете Youthpass, сертификат кој ќе го потврди вашето волонтерско искуство на европско ниво.

Услов за учество на ESC проектот е да имате наполнето 18 години и да имате желба и мотивација да работите со деца и младинци.

Подолу прочитајте повеќе информации за отворените ESC проекти, и доколку имате дополнителни прашања, испратете мејл на evs@pel.mk со назнака „ESC во Полска“. Заинтересираните кандидати за волонтирањето треба да испратат биографија и мотивационо писмо на англиски јазик.

Ги очекуваме вашите пријави најдоцна до 1-ви март 2020 година.


About the project

The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation is searching for 17 volunteers who would like to join
our European Solidarity Corps project “Schuman Solidarity Crew” from October 2020 to
June/August 2021 in Poland.
Volunteers will be hosted in 8 different hosting organizations:

  • 2 special kindergartens for children with disabilities (Warsaw),
  • special kindergarten for visually impaired children (Warsaw),
  • regular kindergarten for children with special nutritional needs (Warsaw),
  • primary school with integrative classes (Warsaw),
  • Association of Developing Children’s Activity “Chance” – ngo focusing on providing the best possible development, increasing the educational conditions for children and raising the quality of work in early childhood education (Warsaw),
  • European Integration Club at the School Complex in Wojkowice – non-formal
    European education for members of European Integration Club and school students (Wojkowice in the Silesian region),
  • The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation in Warsaw.

Volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years, legally residing in one of the participating and partner countries. We seek a balance of varied ages, genders and nationalities amongst our volunteers. All candidates must be registered in European Solidarity Corps database.

No specific knowledge, skills or experience is required as the necessary ones can be acquired during the project. We are not looking for experienced volunteers but those who would learn a lot during the service in a particular hosting organization and are strongly motivated.

Apart from the personal motivation of volunteers, our requirement is volunteers’ strong will of learning the Polish language after the selection procedure successfully ends. We need the selected volunteers to know a few crucial phrases. Why is this important? Because they will work with children with disabilities and youth, which often do not speak English well or any other language.

To integrate all volunteers, apart from activities in particular hosting organization, common activities for all Schuman Volunteers will be organized. All Schuman volunteers:

  • will write blogs dedicated to their experience in the form of articles, photographs, audio/video materials.
  • will organize local activities – workshops/activities in cultural centers, libraries and ngos to share intercultural experience among people from small societies.
  • will take part in the preparations of the Schuman Parade & Schumanville, events organized by the Schuman Foundation to celebrate Europe Day in the center of Warsaw.
  • will take part in “internal on-arrival training” organized by the Schuman Foundation.
  • will participate in monthly meetings.

Pocket money: each volunteer will get the amount of 4 € per day, so about 120€ (in Polish
currency – Polish złoty) per month – in cash or by a bank transfer (if they open a bank
account in Poland).

Food allowence: each volunteer will receive about 100 € for food per month

Local transport: transport cards are provided – for volunteers in Warsaw a card for area 1
(strefa 1) is provided. The city has 2 areas of transport, however area 1 includes all main
districts of Warsaw. In Wojkowice the volunteers will receive a travel card for all Silesian
agglomeration. Small cities like Bedzin and Wojkowice are interconnected so when you go
by bus you can hardly notice when one city ends and another begins.

Accommodation: The Schuman Foundation will provide accommodation for the volunteers –
the volunteers will share flats. The apartments will be rented by the Foundation for the entire
time of volunteers’ mobilities and are equipped with all necessary utilities. Volunteers are
obliged to keep the flat clean 🙂 In Warsaw volunteers will live in 3 apartments. Up to 6
volunteers share the apartment. Often volunteers share a bedroom with another volunteer.
Volunteers hosted at Wojkowice will live in Będzin, a town close to Wojkowice. It takes about
30 minutes to get from the flat to the school by bus. In Wojkowice 2 volunteers will share a flat,
each will have own bedroom.
Living costs (cost of water, electricity, internet, etc.) will be covered by the Schuman
Foundation with a limit up to 90-110 złoty per month per person (depending on the flat and
heating season).

Language support: language course at a language school will be organized – for the first 2-3
months, 1,5 hour twice a week
Polish phone card: will be provided by the Schuman Foundation

Insurance: Volunteers from the European Union are obliged to have European Health
Insurance Card, if possible. If not, they are required to have a confirmation that they are not
authorized to receive one. The volunteers will be also enrolled to insurance plan at CIGNA
insurance company, which is valid only if EHIC is not applicable.

Travel to & from mobility: the costs are covered up to limits of the European Commission based on the travel distance.

Visa and visa related costs: are covered. The Foundation & Supporting Organization will help to obtain the visa (if needed) and register in Poland. The Schuman Foundation will reimburse the costs of visa after volunteers’ arrival.

Medical tests: volunteers hosted in kindergartens and school with integrative classes will have
to undertake sanitary medical tests, as it is required by polish law. The Schuman Foundation
will cover its’ costs and assist in the process.